Organic Inspiration-Design by Senosiain
Published May 19, 2021 By FCardoso team
Architect Javier Senosiain, 73, is Mexico’s leading proponent of so-called “organic architecture,” a concept popularized in the U.S. in the early 20th century by Frank Lloyd Wright, sought to place his buildings in a harmonious balance with their natural habitat. Senosiain’s work anticipated the interest in biomorphic forms and the innovative merging of indoor and outdoor space that are top-of-mind for many of today’s leading designers. A trip to Naucalpan de Juárez to see the famous "Casa Organica" and other Senosiain creations is well worth the time. In 2000 the architect started developing the area around this gritty urban area in hopes of opening it to the public. Read More